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Finding Affordable Forklift Parts

Finding affordable forklift parts is easier than you may think. With the help of South Coast Forklifts it’s possible to get unique on-site forklift parts, repairs and maintenance on a variety of makes and models of forklifts. We are able to provide rental forklifts that you can use throughout the repair process to ensure that your business doesn’t have to shut down or lose any type of efficiency. Keep an eye out for a number of specials as well as our special $300 spotters reward. If you know of someone who requires forklift hire or a brand-new forklift; you will get a referral bonus simply for having them call our offices and complete an order. We are all about rewarding our most loyal customers and can provide you with discounts and rewards like these simply for helping our business.

With access to tens of thousands of parts it’s possible to get exactly what you need for a variety of makes and models including older model forklifts from around the world. Our comprehensive part database features millions of potential serial numbered parts that can be easily sorted with our active inventory system. We keep a number of different popular forklift model parts on hand and can service and order all makes and models built in Australia, and from around the world.

Besides our massive selection of forklift parts we can provide on-site repairs and maintenance to get you up and running with the help of professional service technicians who are experts in make and model repairs for Yale, Clark, Komatsu, Nissan, Mitsubishi, Crown, Sumitomo, CAT, BT, Manitou and more. We can get your forklifts back up and running so that your business can run at peak efficiency as well as provide solutions to keep your business running in the meantime with a rental forklift.

Our forklifts sales department can not only help you with forklifts parts for repair and warranty repair but also help you find forklifts that you can use to upgrade your workforce. If you are experiencing an increased demand at work and you need the help of a stronger or larger forklift we can provide you with new models that come with a number of great features, settings and functions that you may not have on some of your older model forklifts. When the time comes to upgrade consider our forklifts sales department and remember to refer friends who are interested in buying or renting forklifts from our service to claim your $300 spotters reward.

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